Thursday, November 20, 2003

Across the Chiasm

God created the heavens in the day
the earth was without form
and when no plant of the field was yet in the earth
the darkness was upon the face of the deep
for the Lord God was moving over the face of the rain
And God said "Let there be ground"
but a mist went up from the earth
and God separated the light from the dust from the ground
and the darkness he called the east
a garden in the east
in the midst of the waters and let it separate
every tree that is pleasant
And God made them good for food
the waters flowed out of Eden
to water the garden
under the firmament, and
they became four rivers.
The name of the first is Pishon.
And it was so.
First experiment of selecting phrases across the "gutter" (or chiasm) of a two-columned Bible. This selection conflates the first few lines from the book of Genesis with lines from the second chapter. Who knows? Maybe this was the origin of William S. Burroughs' concept of "cut-up".

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