Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Another Web Publication!

Your correspondent has been published in the latest Virtual Occoquan. This is my second publication in that worthy web-based journal. The poem, "America, the Lost", originally appeared in this space on December 11 with the working title of "6:45 a.m." It would seem I do my best writing early in the morning, confirming LC's opinion that I am a "morning person."
By the way, don't give up hope on the "Centemplative Prayer" post: I've got the notes right here, and will be typing them up this morning. Have a new "postcard" poem to post, and today's Lectio, which I hope to have done first.

In other words, if all works out as planned, you should see the "Contemplative Prayer" post near the top of today's entries, if you come back late this afternoon. Because, you understand, the entries appear in the reverse order in which they were posted.

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