Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Cards to Cardiff

I'm mailing my first postcard to Ivy. She has invited postcards from a number of poets for the month of October, and I have asked (belatedly) to join the pack. Looks like we'll do this for what's left of October.

What's that you say? It's not Friday? Well, the card I'm mailing today is belated from last Friday. I'll still owe her a card this Friday.

Ivy lives in Wales, which I had not known prior to receiving her address this past Saturday. So, she will receive interesting Okie cards with American stamps, and I will receive interesting Welsh cards with British stamps. One presumes. I've read Ivy's on-going prose work at her blog, and I anticipate her poetry being equally interesting.

We haven't discussed whether to share these poems with the world, or when to do so. Seems fair to me to let Ivy be the first to read the card. Once she confirms receipt, I'll share the poem with you.

The poem I'm mailing today (which I wrote yesterday) uses a curious word. Well, actually, it's a phrase. It's a phrase that got stuck in my head last Friday, and I've been wanting to shoe-horn it into a poem ever since.

The phrase is "dormer window"; according to my dictionary, that's "a projecting upright window in a sloping roof". Here's the applicable stanza
at last we rejoin
soft & tender as mist
at dormer windows
I wonder what Ivy will make of the poem once she receives it. I wonder what the various civil servants who carry it from hither to thither will make of it?

What do you make of the stanza?

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