Tuesday, November 08, 2005

34 Vital Statistics

From Meg, by way of Dick.
  1. I was born Nov. 22, 1955.
  2. President Kennedy was shot on my 8th birthday.
  3. My comfort food is fried chicken
  4. My first car was a VW bug, bought from Brother Dave. I tried to change the oil myself, with predictable consequences.
  5. I have only played team sports as part of a physical education class. Well, I did play in a sandlot game. Once.
  6. I don't recall failing any courses in my academic career; however, I have incompletes in two (both English, ironically).
  7. I am the youngest of two.
  8. So far as I know, the only option for my birth name is its current incarnation. My first name was my paternal grandfather's middle name. I don't know the source of my own middle name.
  9. Among my favourite poets are D.H. Lawrence, Emily Dickinson, W.B. Yeats, Diane Wakoski, Walt Whitman, T.S. Eliot, Woody Guthrie, and Dylan Thomas. Favourite authors include Henry Miller, Jack Kerouac, Dorothy Sayers, C.S. Lewis, Philip K. Dick, and....(both these lists could go on for a while)
  10. Bob Dylan is far and away the person I quote the most.
  11. I don't follow any sports. I always think I will follow the Cubs, out of sheer perversity, but I never make it past the first couple of games.
  12. I would love to visit Ireland.
  13. My favourite piece of music is Goreki's Third Symphony. For today. Might be different next week.
  14. I don't remember my first coffee. I became a serious coffee drinker when I worked the graveyard shift for a convenience store
  15. My primary goal in life is to share love.
  16. My secondary goal in life is to find more appropriate employment.
  17. I have no sheepskin. Completed about three years of college.
  18. I have been on local tv news segments several times. The potential audience, I'm told, was in the millions. I was a radio DJ for 7-8 years, with an audience in the hundreds.
  19. I told Michael Feldman he looked like a Jewish fireman when he put on the toy fireman's helmet.
  20. My life motto: Take it easy, but take it.
  21. I don't fear death. I avoid pain like I avoid unprotected left turns.
  22. Shoes... dress shoes, casual shoes (2 pr), faux Birkenstocks, hiking boots, flip-flops, faux mocassins
  23. If I had to choose between marrying a woman who wrote well, a woman who sang well, and a woman of incredible fitness, I would choose the singer. Women of independent means are also welcome, if they love music.
  24. I am 5'11.5".
  25. No clue what my ring size is.
  26. If I could buy one thing tomorrow, it would be a Canon SLR Digital Rebel.
  27. I have a scar that divides my mustache and part of my upper lip.
  28. My tonsils came out when I was 5 or 6. I think my father told me he and my mother were getting a divorce while I was in the hospital.
  29. I've had my share of scrapes, but I don't recall seriously wounding anyone.
  30. My favourite word is "bliss".
  31. If I had an epitaph, I'd like it to say "He was a nice guy, and we kind of miss him"
  32. My most prized possession is my grandfather's Epiphone guitar.
  33. Given the chance, I would definitely be a decent poet.
  34. Only fourteen more shopping days to my half century!

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