Thursday, January 19, 2006

Jonah Trivia

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Jonah! (From the Surrealist)
  1. It can take Jonah several days to move just through one tree!
  2. Red Jonah at night, shepherd's delight. Red Jonah at morning, shepherd's warning.
  3. Owls cannot move their eyes, because their eyeballs are shaped like Jonah.
  4. Dolphins sleep at night just below the surface of Jonah, and frequently rise to the surface for air.
  5. Jonah is picked, sorted and packed entirely in the field.
  6. If you keep a goldfish in a dark room, it will eventually turn into Jonah!
  7. Jonah is the largest of Saturn's moons!
  8. The most dangerous form of Jonah is the bicycle.
  9. Two thirds of the world's eggplant is grown in Jonah.
  10. New Zealand was the first place to allow Jonah to vote.
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