Thursday, March 02, 2006


I'm sleepy, so very sleepy. So perhaps I will be forgiven for posting this image (originally posted at Practicing Patience).

I've had insomnia the past few nights. I get to sleep alright, but wake up somewhere between 12:30 a.m. and 3. If I rest at all following that wake up, it's fitfully at best.

What's going on? Why is it hard for me to stay asleep?

I suspect it has something to do with all those commitments I mentioned a couple of days ago (see "Status Report", two entries down).

It seems unlikely that I'm stressed about posting 62 more entries between now and March 23, but it's possible. Even though I have a plan - post pictures, post old poems - it's a "duty" lingering at the back of my consciousness.

A word about this image: it is a collage, of sorts, made from two pictures from Entertainment Weekly. The foreground image comes from an advertisement; the background comes from a photoshoot with Cameron Diaz.

Post #1437

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