Friday, July 28, 2006

Friday Five: hot3

Courtesy of Reverend Mother

  1. What's the high temperature today where you are?
    It's currently 79°, at 8:20 a.m., CDT. The predicted high for today is 99°. Chance of precipitation is 33%. Temperatures have averaged between the high 90s to the low 100s for the past three weeks. Highest I'm aware of was 110.

  2. Favorite way(s) to beat the heat.
    Staying inside, with the Vornado fan on. While watching TV. Or listening to music. Or, occasionally, playing with Ms. Furry Fury.

  3. "It's not the heat, it's the humidity." Evaluate this statement.
    I reject such false dichotomies. I say it is time to think beyond heat and humidity. Might it not be both? Must we choose? This dichotomy tempts us to judge purely on human terms. This anthropocentric prejudice must be challenged!

  4. Discuss one or more of the following: sauna, hot tub, sweat lodge, warm-stone massage.
    I have been in a sweat lodge. The man officiating noted that the Swiss sauna was borrowed from the Native tradition of the sweat lodge. The difference being, as he understands it, that the sauna is done purely for physical reasons, and the sweat lodge is a spiritual experience.
       Late add, in response to Reverend Mother's comment. My entry concerning the experience in the sweat lodge is here; in brief, yes, it was a spiritual experience.

  5. Hottest you've ever been in your life
    That would be the afore-mentioned sweat lodge.  The remainder of that summer was tolerable by comparison.
Non-temperature related bonus: In your opinion... who's hot?
I was going to respond with the name(s) of one or two attractive women at church, but then I saw St. Casserole's response ("All the volunteers to come to the Hurricane Zone to help."), and I was properly humbled.

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