Friday, March 16, 2007

Friday Five: Whatcha Doin'?

This week's theme suggested by Reverend Mother, who has to work on a day she normally observes as Sabbath. She writes: "Name five things you plan to do today. Bonus: If today is about 'have-to' for you as well, share up to five things you'd like to be doing today."

But first, a comment on "Sabbath". The Jewish Sabbath begins at sundown on Friday. Most Christians claim to observe Sabbath on Sunday. Since clergy work on Sunday, they have to choose another day. We often confuse Sabbath with the notion of "a day off" but it's more than that.

True Sabbath means no labor, whatsoever. Especially observant Jews don't drive on the Sabbath. The Torah tells us not even to drive oxen on the Sabbath - even the beasts of the field get a day of rest.

Taken that seriously, few of us really observe Sunday as a Sabbath. We run errands. We attend committee meetings. Sometimes our search for relaxation can seem almost as desperate as our time during the work-week.

A review of RevGal blogs suggest that people in many congregations resent the time their minister takes off. People can get awfully persnickety about that one day a week (often Monday or Friday). People get testy about a minister taking vacation. And heaven forbid that a minister take an extended sabbatical!

The notion seems to be that the minister is super-human, and is capable of being on call 24/7, 365 days a year. This notion has been applied as much to male ministers as it has to women.

Ministers are human. There may be a slightly higher standard - which is why sex abuse scandals shock us so - but ordained folk need their rest just as much as I do. In this regard, at least, the standard should be applied equally.

End of sermon. On to the business at hand.

I am not an ordained person. My "sabbath" is - nominally, at least - Sunday. This Sunday, of course, I have a task scheduled (to walk for Peace). But today, as I write this, I am at work. Here's my plans for the next few days:
  1. Play my guitar. Not associated with the Peace Walk. I'll be part of the chorus, and playing harmonica, for that event. No, I just want to play.

  2. Watch Ragtime. I now own a copy of this movie, and plan to watch it this evening. I remember I made a point of reading the novel (by E.L. Doctorow) before seeing the movie the first time, and was thoroughly disappointed. However, the movie has grown on me over time (probably as I've forgotten favored details from the novel). The movie has the distinction of featuring Jimmy Cagney in his last role - and he does a fine job, too.

  3. Saturday is up in the air. I've committed to edit a presentation of a First Century Eucharist. Basically, as I understand it, I'm supposed to paste the best bits from two existing scripts (both based on the best scholarship available to their separate authors). I may add a piece of my own - Gary Wills' translation of the words of institution: "... the Lord Jesus, on the night before he was betrayed, took bread, and, after blessing it, broke it and said: 'This is my body, which is for you. Do the same to keep the memory of me.'" (Wills' translation of I Cor. 11-23-26, from his book What Paul Meant, pg 46-47).
       I may also go to the peace rally Saturday morning, but that will depend entirely on what time I get up and where I'm at in working on that script.
       Time, money, and energy permitting, I may also take myself to the dollar movie. Otherwise, I may just content myself with checking a movie out from the library. The lastest version of Pride and Prejudice, with Keira Knightley looks appealing.

  4. Would you believe I consider reading books like What Paul Meant fun? I'll probably read at least a chapter at lunch today. Quite possible I'll read more over the weekend. It's due to the library by next Friday.

  5. "Let's go surfing now...." When in doubt, surf the Internet. Failing that, take a nap with my favorite feline.


QuakerPastor said...

I'm doing a peace gig on Sunday too!

Sr. Heather said...

Oh I am sooooo with you on clergy needing their rest. It's so important for ordained persons to set boundaries and to be firm with them, but I know (from experience) how hard that can be.

Best of luck on your day - enjoy your guitar!

reverendmother said...

Fret not for the author of the Friday Five. My congregation offers sabbaticals after only five years of ministry, tells me to go home when they feel I've been at church too much, and is quite understanding about days off. Some weeks are just like that.

Monday will be my sabbath this week.

chartreuseova said...

I struggle with keeping a Sabbath. And I'm not a minister. It shouldn't be so difficult. At least I tell myself that.

I've now requested Ragtime from the library and should be able to pick it up early next week.

You still have dollar movies? I miss those.

Sally said...

I get really possesive over the Sabbath- which for me is a Friday- I try not to have any work to do- this week I loose though as my twins had an 18th Birthday party on Weds. so I had a kind of day off then!

love your list btw

revhipchick said...

great thoughts on sabbath!

wonderful play!

Anonymous said...

Love your sharing of Sabbath.

For the longest time we've tried to keep Saturday as our family sabbath - not housework or chores day, but being day ... that includes sauna (if we want) and tv (detective series and sometimes a film) and then other fun things. Next Sat - if the weather suits - we're going skiing.

We try to have a family meal on both Friday evening (sometimes tricky) and then on Saturday. It doesn't always work - and we don't always enjoy it (moods, better things to do) - but we make it a priority and most of the time it's a real pleasure.

tonight we're having grilled salmon and salad. MY choice :)

That said the dog is expecting puppies and they will probably come today - and I had to go to town with TS to buy a jacket for him. But it wasn't a chore - because of his humour and laid back attitude -

I'm thinking though that down the road I should stop blogging on the sabbath - but I'm not there yet.

Blessings Jonah -enjoy P&P -I loved this version. There's a lotof playfulness in Elizabeth that is in the book, but that earlier versions have failed to capture.