Thursday, April 10, 2003

There’ll be Dancing in the Streets

All stations are reporting increasingly friendly greetings from Iraqis not otherwise engaged in looting or acting as human bombs. So, what do you say now, Mr. Know-it-all Peace-nik Commie? Huh! Don't those happy faces mean that our Fearless Leader was right all along, Shaw-damn was a bad man who needed to be relieved of power?!

OK. I'll grant I'm not a charter member of the Saddam fan club. All credible information suggests he was a tyrant, etc, etc. But remember Nov. '02? When this whole thing started because our Fearless Leader was certain that Shaw-damn had Weapons of Mass Destruction (WOMD). Where the hell are those WOMB, and why didn't Shaw-damn use them? Our military leaders were certain he would - they brought their lovely suits just in case - and their anticipation suggests they would have used them if they'd been in his position. Hell, even the CIA said there was nothing holding Saddam back.

If he's still alive, the man deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for not using his WOMD. Compared to the thousands of tons of bombs the U.S. has rained down on Bagdad in the past week, not firing a single chemical rocket reflects a restraint almost worthy of Ghandi.

Well, let's say for the sake of argument that the cache found Monday, Apr 7, actually was nerve gas rather than insecticide (according to the Army & NPR, the jury is still out). Doesn't that prove our Fearless Leader right? Well, it might prove that Saddam had chemical weapons, but it doesn't prove that it took an army & a massive airstrike to find them. More UN weapons inspectors, with a broad coalition of international forces, might have accomplished the same thing.

But all this assumes that this pre-emptive attack had anything to do with WOMD. In the weeks leading up to the point that our Fearless Leader ran out of patience, it became increasingly obvious the motive was not disarmament, but regime change. "Shaw-damn must go," declared our Fearless Leader, and over 100 Americans have given the ultimate for that cause, along with untold number of Iraqis. "Operation Iraqi Freedom" is a lot different than "Disarming Iraq." If disarming a madman were truly the goal, we might have to look at North Korea next. Unfortunately, a chunk of California or Washington State might be the first casualty if we strike Kim Jun Il.

But don't those cheering people mean a good thing has been accomplished, regardless of the motives? Look, maybe those people are glad to be free of Saddam's tyranny. Maybe they've seen American splendor via the satellite, and think we're going to gift some of it to them. Maybe they think our Fearless Leader has the sort of attention span necessary to help build a new nation rather than wage war. Maybe they have some faint hope that Iraq is going to get a better deal with Afganistan.

Remember the Afganis? Afganistan is teetering on the sort of civil war that gave the Taliban a toe-hold to begin with. Wonder what Iraq is going to look like in 2004 since the Gang of Four and a half are opposed to "nation building."

Gosh, you think the Iraqis will get the freedoms that our Fearless Leader & his friends are trying to take from us? You reckon it's some kind of bizarre exchange program? When will we rise up from "CSI" and cry out for the birth of Democracy right here in the USA? Jeez. Neal Posten was right. We are amusing ourselves to death. Or slavery.

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