Tuesday, July 29, 2003


Brother Dave reminds me not to get too distracted by "missing" WMDs. Using classic Watergate logic to "follow the money", Brother Dave strongly believes our invasion of Iraq is all about oil. Well, gosh, the Administration assures us that our involvement is all about freeing those happy Iraqi people, and has absolutely nothing to do with the plans Vice Cheney drew up with his oil buddies during those secret energy meetings.

I'm sure oil has nothing to do with those gaps in the report on 9/11, too.

Meanwhile, Joe Lieberman is earning his title of "Busch-lite" by saying his fellow Dems "don't know a just war when they see it". He also said "The end was just and the means were fitting to the task". It's been a while since we've reviewed the basis for a just war, but I'm pretty certain that "pre-emptive" strike was not part of St. Augustine's rationale. I'm also pretty sure that de facto anarchy would not be considered a positive end.

No doubt, Old Joe is playing poll roulette, hoping to gain the support of folk who support the strike. Seems to me most of the folk who support the war also support the Chief Executive Liar. So, Old Joe seems to be shooting himself in the foot.

Wait a minute .... That might make him presidential material after all!{ptui!}BTW, about the only thing that might tempt me to vote Green is if the Dems lose all sense of reality & nominate Joe Lieberman.

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