Wednesday, December 03, 2003

Worth a Read

Wired News has an excellent article on one of my favorite authors, Phillip K. Dick. Seems he's become flavor of the year, what with the number of his stories and novels that have been transferred to the movies.

The story discusses the paranoia that pervaded Dick's personal life, as well as his fiction, in ample detail. I still have nightmares about the "contact paranoia" I suffered while reading the posthomous novel Radio Free Albemuth. Clearly, his work is not for the faint of heart.

One of his short stories which is in development at Disney, of all places, is "The Short Happy Life of the Brown Oxford". I don't recall reading this story, but have always been fascinated by the title. Turns out, according to the Wired article, the story concerns a brown oxford shoe which comes to life one day. It being a Phillip K. Dick story, one can safely assume things don't end well.
Been slow blogging of late. The flu has been making the rounds of our corner of the office the past week, and I seem to have early symptons (stuffy head, achy, etc.). I have a couple of ideas on the burner, including the outline for my prayer forum, but things might appear a little feverish for the next couple of days ....

Just like a Phillip K. Dick short story...

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