Thursday, January 20, 2005

Almost Not A Damned Dime

I have not written much about politics of late, as it is just too depressing. A majority of the electorate voted for our Fearless Leader. It might be fair to say that many voted thinking this demonstrated some form of support for our troops Over There. It might be fair to say many votes were motivated by fear of what the other guy might do.

Regardless of the reasons, the Handsome One has received his coronation inauguration as our Supreme Leader. He claims he sees his selection by a majority of the electorate as a positive reforendum on his policies — past, present, and future. If any other politician made this statement, we would discount it as typically hyperbolic rhetoric. When our Fearless Leader says something like this, there's a fairly decent chance that he actually believes it.

Just like there's the chance that he sincerely believes the High Holy One put him in office so we would have resolute leadership following the 9/11 attacks.

Gah. The man is bad for my blood pressure. I know it's not healthy, but I have the same response to his visige and voice that many on the right had to Bill Clinton. My blood boils. I'm not quite at the point that I believe the Handsome One is evil incarnate (that honor belongs to K.Rove), but I can easily imagine a certain contract being in a secure safety deposit box.

In the icy bowels of Hell.

Many have called for an economic boycott today, a Not One Damned Dime Day, and I had intended to observe said boycott. Unfortunately, I overslept this morning and was unable to eat breakfast at home (as is my common practice). My blood sugar can be tricky, and I relunctantly decided to buy something for breakfast. So, I have spent a little over twenty dimes.

I hope the Fearless Leader chokes on ’em. (Note to any lurking SS agents: this statement is made with satirical intent, and is not intended as an actual threat on any world leader, actual or imagined)

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