Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother's Day

My mother was far from June Cleaver. Neither Brother Dave or I have fond memories of Mother. We have other women who served that function in our lives, but sometimes it's hard to get past the fact our physical mother was far from the ideal portrayed in greeting cards or 50's TV programs. A bit more Peg Bundy (if Peg were inclined to physical violence as well as slovenliness) than Donna Reed.

So, I was pleased, a year ago, when I received an email concerning the history of Mother's Day. It may have become a greeting-card holiday, filled with unrealistic nostalgia. But it began as a response to the Civil War. It was, in essence, an anti-war commemoration.

For more, see my entry from this time last year.

I suggest it is well past time that we reclaim the anti-war roots of this holiday.

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