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If you click through on the book image, you'll notice the second name listed is James C-. That's my birth name. The list is in alphabetical order. I'm one of the five people whose name is listed because I also served as a copyeditor.
I really like the book description, which comes from the introduction:
This particular book of devotional readings span Ordinary Time, that season of the church year in which there are no high holy days to celebrate; the long stretch of green for those of us who are liturgical in our practice. They have been written by women and men of diverse denominational backgrounds; all with the aim of bringing scripture alive for both writer and reader. These writings reflect on the lectionary passages for Year B, and it is our prayer that in the green and ordinary time they will bring forth a bountiful harvest for all who read them.I'll have more to say about my part in this later today.
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