If you are as savvy as Dr. Omed, you could create your own t-shirt. As he says at the link, all you need is an iron, some transfer paper, and a cotton t-shirt. The image I've posted is not at an ideal resolution or quality for this project, but maybe that's not vital to you.
"But Jonah," you say, "I don't have an iron!" I am sympathetic; I don't own an iron either. Therefore, I have chosen to put Cafe Press to work.

Pictured at left is just one of the short-sleeved shirts now available at my Cafe Press "shop". This particular model is 100% cotton, and Made in the USA. At least that's what the folk at Cafe Press claim.
I don't expect to make much money from this. In order to keep prices at a reasonable level, I don't have much of a mark-up. However, should I make any money from the sales of these short-sleeved shirts, a portion will go to the Huntington's Disease Society of America.
Keep in mind, I won't even receive a check until profits have reached $10. But if I ever get that $10 check, at least $1 (10%) will go to HDSA.
We now return you to regularly scheduled blogging.
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