Happy Birthday, Gore Vidal

Gore has an Oklahoma connection, in that he was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He spent much of his life in Washington, DC, assisting his uncle Sen. Gore (not Al, but relation). Gore's Washington novels (Lincoln, Burr, et al) are worth reading just because of Mr. Vidal's insight into the backroom maneuverings of the nation's capital.
As I recall, the first Gore Vidal novel I read was The City & the Pillar, which is essentially the story of how he became aware of his homosexuality. I read this book sometime during — or slightly after — highschool. Aside from thin rumors of fellow students' sexual preferences in high school, I had little awareness of homosexuality, and this novel blew me away.
Lately, Gore has been collecting op-ed pieces in pamplets, Blood for Oil being the latest. I can give these books a qualified recommendation — the price is right (about $2.95 each), for one thing. But, the essays can be a little repitious if read in one sitting.
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