Birth of a Pinecone

Unfolding my heart
in dappled forest shadows
I exhale autumn
Swirling dancer's skirts
spiral like Milky Way colors
embrace the darkness
Embrace the light, hold
fast to the center, then dance
into winter's dreams
Art by Elsie
Here's an interesting story for ya . . . . I forwarded an e-mail about Paul Wellstone Music Day (October 25, 2003) and it eventually made it to a poet in Oklahoma who discovered my webpage from my signature on the original e-mail. He's now using (with my permission, of course) imagery of some of my creations on his blog .... like this one.... how kewl is that?!? :-) His poetry is wonderful and I'm honored he likes my work enough to use it with his.Please let me know if Connie's e-mail has led you to this space.
'If It Be Your Will'. And I wrote it.
You are invited to the Oakerhater Honor Dance which is a pow wow held each year at this time to honor Saint David Pendelton Oakerhater, a Cheyenne Warrior who became a Deacon in the Episcopal Church. This a unique and enriching event which will give you the chance to dance and share an Indian supper with us. This is the 1st time we are having an event on the land where we will build the Oakerhater Episcopal Center (church, community center, and dance ground) and Bishop Moody will bless the land. If you have never danced at a pow wow, we will show you. Several us bring extra gourds to share for Gourd Dance. I look forward to this every year with great anticipation. I hope you can come.You may read a brief biography of St Oakerhater here.
I haven't heard from you for awhile, brother, nor you from me. Let me know whether you're still in this pale. As for me, I've spent the last couple of days disporting by the riverside in Tulsa at Rob and Jeri's (or is that Jeri and Rob's) apt. Jeri was an unexpectedly gracious host. I bought the champagne for Potting Garden, then she picked up most of the tab. I also got to see M.K. for the first time in the while. All in all, it was fun. Yours, in transit (mko express) — Dana-oxThe card is addressed to Jason C— at the late, lamented "Green House" on Monnett Street in Norman. I'll note that Dana was well on his way toward perfecting what he called "grass writing", and I'm making educated guesses on a couple of words.
Do you ever have William Blake days?
I do. They start amiably enough —
coffee, toast — and lead
into a forest thick and lush as childhood.
Postcard Poems, © Tim Yu & Cassie Lewis, 2003
Pope Paul V (1605-1621) did indeed condemn and ban the potato as "the apple of love" and "the root of man's licentious and depraved behavior." Good Catholics were warned to avoid this aphrodisiac for their very salvation.