Sunday, March 28, 2004

Nominations Still Being Accepted

As noted below, today is my one-year anniversary. In that post, I invited nominations for the ten best entries of the last year. To date, I have received no nominations. *Heavy sigh*

I do have some personal favorites. I hope to create a one-page index and permanent home for those entries sometime this coming week. So, there's still time for you to mention a few of your faves. This could include any of my religious postings, my poetry (including, but not limited to, the postcards), or even my barely-informed political rants. If you can give me a clue on the theme, title, etc, I'll do the work on finding the link and adding it to a reliable archive.

As an anniversary present, I did receive some historical pictures and documents from the venerable Dr. Omed. More on that soon.

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