Sunday, May 29, 2005

Check These Guys Out!

As I mentioned yesterday, Nancy has given her readers this assignment for today, May 29:
go through your own blogroll. In comments, link to someone whose blog you really like, but who doesn't seem to get the attention he/she deserve. Tell me why you like him/her.

Extra credit - in your own blog, give a shout out to that blogger who needs more traffic. Tell your readers what they're missing.
I'm most tempted to nominate myself, but that's not fair, is it?

A number of the entries on my blogroll are in the Salon community, which automatically means they get more traffic than I. Of those, Hail Dubyus! deserves more traffic. Gregorius is currently number 66 in the traffic report; I think he deserves to be in the top 25.

From outside the Salon universe, I nominate Augustine's Blog; her continuing series in which she interviews God is alone worth the price of admission.

Finally, someone who isn't yet on my blogroll, but deserves to be is Reverend Mother, who used to be part of the Salon community, but switched to Journalscape for economic reasons. She's obviously religious, but very much connected with the quotidian.

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