I think it all began Tuesday. The insomnia and sleeplessness have confused my days, so I cannot be certain. Maybe it was Wednesay.
A certain male cat - sometime visitor of her highness - was expressing his desire in tones only a male cat can achieve. As the lady had her reproductive opportunities curtailed the same year she was adopted, I don't suppose he sings his discordant song for her benefit.
As we see in this recent close-up, though, she is quite attractive. Who can be sure? Who can discern the way of cats?
If we were to translate the male's song in a traditionally romantic fashion, we might say his aria runs thus: "I'm so lonely!"
To be sure, that's a bit of pathetic projection that is likely inaccurate. More likely he sings a bawdy beer hall ballad - a feline country blues, titled "I'm so freaking horny I could die!"
I am sympathetic, whichever song he sings. If I thought it would achieve positive results, I would sing either song. Or both.
I am, on an intellectual level, sympathetic to his song. I am not nearly so understanding, however, at two o'clock in the morning.
That's when this round of insomnia began. Two o'clock Wednesday morning.
By three o'clock Wednesday afternoon, I could barely keep my eyes open or think straight. So I accepted the offer of instant coffee - Folger's Latte, to be exact.
Once upon a time, I drunk upwards of three or four cups of coffee a day. I suppose I developed a tolerance for caffeine. I gave up coffee for Lent one year, and have averaged two cups per day (at most) since then. I no longer have the tolerance I once did. If I drink any caffeinated drink after about three o'clock in the afternoon, it wakes me up at that point. Then it revisits somewhere between one and three the following morning.
I woke at one Thursday morning. This time, I drank the superpowered sugary instant coffee at 11:00. And I had a piece of chocolate Thursday afternoon. It was only a small piece. I hoped thus to avoid the delayed visit.
But I woke at one this morning as well. Once it was clear sleep would not come, I arose and watched a movie (Anatomy of a Murder). I did sleep through about 30 minutes of the movie; otherwise, I was fairly well awake.
The movie was over about 4:40. I thought perhaps a soak in the tub would sufficiently relax me so I could get back to sleep. However, the process of bathing and starting the day are so entwined that I was too alert to return to bed. So I carried on with my morning.
I spent some time on a computer project. I posted the quote which appears below (the quote is tangetically related to said project). I then took myself out to breakfast. Bought gas, got money from the ATM, and went to breakfast. Stopped by the library to return some movies, then returned home.
Didn't I mention I have the day off? Good thing, too. By the time I got back from these errands, my brain was well fried. As I have noted, a movie sometimes serves as white noise that helps me get to sleep. So I popped in Much Ado About Nothing, and promptly slept through most of it. I only saw the last 30 minutes or so of the movie.
I do feel better now. A bit of a fatigue headache, but I believe I can face the remainder of the day.
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