Sunday, May 30, 2004


Work in Progress

Scribble scrabble, scrabble scritch
Makes my pencil start to itch
In the watches of the night
Waiting by the faerie light
Pens & pencils start to dance
With hand-made paper in their hands
Funny what several subsequent sleepless nights will do to your subconcious. What's your vote on this one? Keep going, or till it back into the soil for the next plowing?
I'll note, once again, that I have little control over the banner ads. Apparantly a negative mention of cretinous talk-show hosts and doubly-cretinous commanders-in-chief generates ads which view same in a positive light. My laundry list of chicken-hawks, in other words, seems to have inspired an ad promoting the Amer Neo-Nazi Compassionate Conservatives. Just so you know.

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