Monday, June 20, 2005

Word Poem

The moon teetered on her shellac throne
as he spruiked his sermon at seven
and gathered spondulicks from the faithful.
His hubba-hubba skipped a heartbeat
when he was arrested on a mopery.

Mopery mockingbirds flock at his feet
but he quickly shellacked them.
They danced in the air, hubba-hubba,
wings singing like spondulicks.
Still, let him spruik to starlight.

And thus spruik the teetering moon:
“Forego your vain mopery;
Repent your spondulick love.
You revere shellac of your own hands.
Why not hubba-hubba or boola-boola?”

He danced the hubba-hubba divine
and spruik a new psalm:
"Life is more than spinning shellac!"
The faithless mopery magpie
threw spondulicks to the wind.

Thirteen spondulicks gathered on the fifteenth day
inspired ecstatic hubba-hubba in the aisles.
His majestic mopery dangled like a crown.
He spruik the word, and it became honey
dribbling onto ancient shellac disks.

Perhaps shellac was his name,
And he earned his spondulicks by firelight.
Then he spruik the truth unknowingly.
Then she was the hubba-hubba of his heart.
If not, we are all guilty of mopery.
Definitions of the slang words used in this poem may be found at Word-a-Day.

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