What's On Your Desk?

In his comment on my "Book Game" entry, Dr. Omed asked what books I have on my desk. As you can see, there is precious little room actually on my desk. I moved The Book of Mercy back to the book shelves, so the only book literally on my desk at the moment is the King James' Version of The Book of Psalms, which was given to me when I was very young (maybe age 5). Near the desk is Thomas H. Johnson's edition of The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson, which I've been drawing on as I sporadically study the work of that magnificent poet.
As Elsie has pointed out, I have a series of neat piles throughout the house. So, in no special order, here are the books stacked in strategic places about the house:
- Sing Out! v48, no 1
- Linda Cobb: Talking Dirty with / Talking Dirty Laundry with / the Queen of Clean
- Patricia Cornwell: Portrait of a Killer
- UNESCO: Our North American Heritage
- Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales (NCE)
- Thich Nhat Hanh: Going Home: Jesus & Buddha as Brothers
- Kevin Phillips: American Dynasty
- Barbara Kingsolver: Small Wonder
- Richard Rhodes: How to Write
- Larry Dossey: Prayer is Good Medicine
- Malachy McCourt: Danny Boy – Legend of the Beloved Irish Ballad
- Marianne Williamson: Illuminata
- Susan Wooldridge: poemcrazy
- Roberts & Amidon, eds: Prayers for a Thousand Years
- Norvene Vest: Preferring Christ: A Devotional Commentary & Workbook on the Rule of St. Benedict
- Paul Begala: It's Still the Economy Stupid
- Margaret Crave: I Heard the Owl Call My Name
- Andy Gill & Kevin Odegard: A Simple Twist of Fate: Bob Dylan and the Making of Blood on the Tracks
- Thomas a´Kempis: Of the Imitation of Christ
- Terry Southern: Red-Dirt Marijuana
- Patrick McDonnell: Mutts 6 - A Little Look-See
- Terry Moore: Strangers in Paradise 12: Heart in Hand
Dr. Omed has also challenged me to craft a found poem from these fifth line on page 23 of each of these books. I'll consider it. Might be just the thing I need to break my current block.
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