Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Diaphragm draws in.
Lungs pull out.
Bell song echoes.
Breathe in.
Cat whiskers tickle left hand.
Breathe out.
Don't think.
Forget whether you think or not.
Diaphragm draws in.
Don't think of spot light
hovering between brows.
Lungs fill out.
Don't think of holy.
Don't think of unholy.
Don't listen for bell song.
Breathe in.
Don't think of timer.
Don't meander with Karl Rove.
Don't contemplate the Supreme Court.
Breathe out.
Air draws into nostrils,
glides to head top,
then circles the adam's apple.
Let it circle.
Let it be.
That's all, that's enough.

Then the door bell rings.
The prayer means nothing
if I do not rise
to help my neighbor.

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