Thursday, November 18, 2004

The General Who Cried "WMD"

Give me five reasons I should believe this. Honestly, I suspect it is true. But given the fact that this "good soldier" fell on his sword, and compromised his integrity, to present questionable evidence before the UN, I'm inclined to question it.

On the other hand, I suspect Gen. Powell has a calendar in his office where he is counting down the days until he leaves.

While I'm here, and thinking tangetically to the topic of the cabinet of our handsome leader's second term, let me draw your thoughts back to the second debate, which was in a "town hall" format. You may recall that one of the "undecided" citizens asked GWB if he had any regrets from his first term. His response was telling, in light of recent events: he only regretted appointing certain people. He didn't name names, but it was generally assumed he meant folk who had spoken out against administration policies or had disagreed with him.

Now, he's going to use his "political capital", and a Repugnant-controlled Congress, to pack his cabinet with yea-sayers.

Excuse me, I've got to watch that cartoon again. Depression imminent....

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