Monday, November 08, 2004


introit lionel pitchblende
prize chapel circumstance
buzz dominican apply
tee bedtime pareto
infelicitous athwart hannah
sideband log virtuosity
economic gingko shudder
orthonormal rosenthal
resiny deportation evanston
specular cadenza
disciplinary ballet frontal
lighthearted stationarity
rude baud aaron
bookie lackadaisic deliquescent
argo downbeat adams
aboveground bessemer
antoinette cofactor concertmaster
mayst coextensive decipher
viceroy acolyte cry
vote gm slumber eulerian
lucid glue practice ahem nitrogen
advantage gape wehr
gadfly afterglow flatbed
eventuate kill
chromatogram diploma elite
hackett realtor cannot diluent
bindery crabapple continental
potomac bare efface mignon
proposition smash brookside
This is an admittedly impulsive langpo-type experiment. It's a "spam poem". That is to say, this is a list of words which appeared at the end of a Viagra spam e-mail I received this morning. The words appear in exactly the same order they did in the list; all I have done is break them up in to lines. Is it poetry?

All I know is that it embraces the mystery.

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